Thursday, November 15, 2012

Brussels joins protests for a ‘different’ Europe

austerity protest Brussels
The European capital witnessed today one of the demonstrations across Europe againstausterity and in support of employment and solidarity.
As part of the large-scale mobilisation on the European Day of Action and Solidarity organised by the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), Brussels hosted a demonstration of the three most influential Belgian trade Unions- FGTB / ABVV; the liberal CGSLB / ACLBB and the CSC / ACV.
In the course of one hour, the protestors occupied the area of Schuman roundabout just in front of the European Commission shouting ‘We want another Europe!’
different Europe, according to the ETUC General Secretary Bernadette Ségol, will be achieved when the EU leaders realise that their policies are not going to be accepted by the people. In her opinion, the EU should stop policies that have failed dramatically and that were bringing unemployment and poverty up.
She emphasised that the fiscal compact was insisting on austerity measures, exerting pressure on wages and creating less social protection, while the social compact* demanded by ETUC wanted exactly the opposite.
Ségol expressed hope that the today’s demonstration at the heart of the European district would have an impact on EU leaders and conveyed the message that a coordinated strike actionacross Europe was not impossible.
A decision on that matter is expected to be taken in December when the ETUC meets and assesses the response of the EU to the European Day of Action and Solidarity. Until then, we all wait to see what will happen at the summit planned for 22-23 November.
*The social compact for Europe was supported by all ETUC members and encompasses their demands to Europe, in particular termination of the currently carried out austerity measures and more investment for jobs.  /  news europe on line

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